If you are a devout or practicing Catholic, you have to live by some of the rules specified by your religion. No devout Catholic would want to do anything that goes against the orders of the religion they practice. As a practicing Catholic, you are supposed to lead a life and carry out activities that have the approval of Christianity. You have to pray every day, obey the laws written down in the Holy Bible and other scriptures and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and the church.
Marriage is a very sacred thing for Catholics. While the law has several provisions that enable you to get separated from your partner or file for a divorce when things go wrong, being a Catholic, you have to be mindful of a few things. A devout Catholic has to face certain repercussions when they get divorced from their partner. Most people think about taking a fresh start after getting divorced. So, can a divorced Catholic get married in the church?
As a general rule a divorced Catholic can get married in the church as long as they manage to procure an annulment for the previous marriage. If the person fails to obtain an annulment, then they are continued to be treated as a married individual by the church and won’t be allowed to marry again in the church.
The church considers annulment to be important for a couple of reasons. If an individual was married in the past and their partner is still alive, then it becomes important to produce the kind of evidence or proof which validates the fact that the marriage was not valid. This must be done to declare the union null and void with the help of an annulment.

What happens if a Catholic marries a divorced person?
A Catholic can marry a divorced person but to do so, they would be required to submit a petition that would help in declaring their earlier marriage null and void. The church must feel convinced about the fact that the marriage of the divorced person you want to marry is no longer valid. If a Catholic is unable to annul a previous marriage in accordance with the guidelines of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church will not acknowledge the marriage and will not allow another marriage of this person in the Church.
Is divorce a sin in the Catholic Church?
Traditionally, divorce is a sin in Catholic religion but can be forbidden by the church. That’s why when a divorced Catholic faces a problem in their marriage, they try their best to resolve it and avoid the possibility of a divorce. If there seems to be no way to save the marriage, they can procure a civil divorce but will not be able to marry again in a Catholic church. While getting married in a church, a couple makes the promise of spending their lives together. The church looks at this commitment very seriously and therefore doesn’t approve of divorce.
What is considered an invalid marriage in the Catholic Church?
There are a couple of factors that make the Catholic Church consider a marriage to be invalid. For the church, a Catholic person must get married in the presence of a priest who is authorized by the church. If the marriage is conducted by a civil judge, a justice of the peach or a minister belonging to another Catholic church, then the church wouldn’t consider that marriage to be valid. Also, if one of the people was unaware of the decision being made, or was forced to marry, such a wedding can be canceled in the Catholic Church.
What makes a Catholic marriage valid?
For a Catholic marriage to be valid, it is required that:
- The spouses are free to marry
- They are capable of giving their consent to marry
- They freely exchange their consent
- In consenting to marry, they have the intention to marry for life, to be faithful to one another and be open to children
- They intend the good of each other
- Their consent is given in the presence of two witnesses and before a properly authorized Church minister
Exceptions to the last requirement must be approved by Church authority.
Does a Catholic wedding have to be in a church?
As a general rule a truly Catholic wedding must be conducted in a Catholic church. Since the church is a place designated for engaging in prayer and worship, a sacred ceremony like a wedding must take place in a church. In a Catholic wedding, you are supposed to receive the blessings of Jesus Christ.
Since a church is considered to be blessed by his presence, it is all the more important to conduct a Catholic wedding in a church. Couples at times put across a request for conducting a Catholic wedding somewhere else and the church accepts it too. However, a church always insists on a Catholic wedding taking place within its premises.

Related Questions
How do you become a Catholic after a divorce?
A Catholic church does not approve of divorce. However, divorces do happen and often, people look for a spiritual path after going through a troubled phase in their life. Though a divorce is not valid in the eyes of the church, it is an institution that does not believe in closing the doors on any human being. Therefore, you can become a Catholic after a divorce but the church will continue to see you as a married individual. This is something you have to make peace with when you decide to become a Catholic.
Can a divorced remarried Catholic receive Communion?
Divorced and remarried Catholic who has not gone through an annulment process can receive Communion. However, there are certain conditions attached to it. They would be required to go through the sacramental confession procedure and after that, the couple has to be okay with living together as brother and sister or siblings without any kind of sexual relation.
These are tough conditions but if a person, who has gone through a divorce in the past and got married again, is insistent on receiving the Communion, they would have to agree to these terms. You can read more about it here: “Vatican newspaper expands guidelines on Pope Francis’ view that remarried Catholics can receive Communion“
Can you get married in the Catholic Church without getting legally married?
You cannot get married in the Catholic church without getting legally married. When a couple gets married in a church, the priest is bound to sign on a marriage license and undertake all the steps which are necessary to make the wedding legal in the eyes of the state office. If the priest or the church doesn’t adhere to these legal requirements, they might get into trouble.
What would make a marriage invalid?
A wedding that took place in a Catholic church could be declared invalid under certain circumstances. If it is found out that the wedding was not conducted by a priest authorized or recognized by the church, it would be considered to be invalid. Another factor that could result in the marriage being declared null and void is when it is proved that one or both the partners had not fully consented to get married. It must be remembered that the validity of a marriage is viewed very differently by the law and the church. For a marriage to be declared valid in the church, you have to adhere to the guidelines laid out by the church.
What is the status of the divorced Catholic?
A divorced Catholic, just like any other Catholic, is entitled to receive Holy Communion from the church. While the church doesn’t approve of divorce, it does not see the divorced Catholic as someone who has committed a grave sin. The only major disadvantage that a divorced person will be suffering from is that they will not be able to remarry in the church.
Why can’t the divorced person remarry in the Catholic Church?
When a marriage crumbles down, getting a divorce remains the only option for the couple. While a marriage gets dissolved after the couple completes the divorce procedure, the church still considers the couple to be married. That’s because the church firmly believes that marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals and it continues to exist till both of them are alive. A church doesn’t accept the concept of divorce and that’s the reason a divorced person cannot remarry in the church.
Can a divorced Catholic enter a new marriage with the Church’s approval?
While the church considers the bond of marriage to be indissoluble, if you manage to prove your marriage was not valid in the first place, you can enter a new marriage with the church’s approval despite being divorced. If the Marriage Tribunal of the church concurs that a major juridical element was absent from the marriage of a now-divorced Catholic, their marriage would be considered to be invalid. Once the church arrives at this decision, the divorced Catholic can get married again in the church.
What are the juridical elements that make a marriage valid or invalid?
While deciding whether the marriage of a Catholic was valid or invalid, one of the first things the Marriage Tribunal checks is the type of marriage ceremony that had taken place. For a marriage to be valid, the couple has to get married in the presence of a priest whom the Church recognizes. It is also imperative for two witnesses to be present during the wedding ceremony. Unless these requirements are fulfilled, the marriage will be considered null and void. An important aspect of this law is that one of the individuals who is getting married must be a Catholic.
A marriage between two individuals could also be considered invalid by the church if it is proven that there was not complete consent in it. Giving your consent to getting married is not just about repeating the words uttered by the priest. For a marriage to be valid, both individuals must give their consent from the heart after gathering a complete understanding of what marriage stands for and the kind of commitment they are getting into. In the eyes of the church’s Marriage Tribunal, marriage is invalid if it suffers from a deficiency of genuine consent.
What is involved in proving that a marriage is invalid?
Proving that a marriage is invalid in the eyes of the church is an elaborate process that takes a lot of time. You have to get an appointment with the pastor and let him explain to you the kind of procedure you need to follow and the number of documents you need to provide to declare your marriage null and void.
Some of the things that you would be asked to provide are your divorce decree, marriage certificate, names and addresses of the individuals who were informed about your marriage, the address of your former spouse and the name of the church where you got married. These documents will play an important role in examining whether both the parties gave their full consent to the marriage.
The documents and testimony provided to the pastor will then be submitted to the Tribunal. The Marriage Tribunal’s office will ask for testimonies from your former spouse and those who witnessed the marriage. The Tribunal reviews all the testimonies and documents, goes through the details of the case carefully and then announces its decision. If the judge calls the marriage invalid, his decision will be considered to be final unless either of the two parties decides to challenge it. If such a situation arises, the case will go to the Metropolitan Tribunal.
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