When you are about to get engaged and planning to buy rings for the occasion, you may go up to your fiancée and ask her for her ring measurements. However, times have changed and a lot of men try to surprise their to-be-wives by buying an expensive engagement ring for them. Also, a ring is bought to be given to a woman whom you propose love to.
Some of the other occasions when you could surprise your girlfriend or wife with a new ring include her birthday, anniversary or some date which holds a special place in the hearts of the both of you. In such situations, asking her about her ring size is out of the question as it is going to be a surprise for her. So, how to determine ring size without her knowing?
There are quite a few ways in which you can determine her ring measurements without her knowledge. It includes asking her friends, borrowing a ring from her or even checking her jewelry box to check the size of her ring.

How do you find out a girl’s ring size?
Here are a few ways in which you can determine the size.
1. Ask her friends
One of the simplest and most convenient ways to find the ring size of your partner is by asking her friends about it. Just be a little careful about whom you ask this question to. There are some people who will understand and remember the fact that you are planning a surprise for her and would be cautious about not sharing this piece of information with her. Then, she must also have some friends who, though well-intended people, are terrible when it comes to keeping secrets. Ask the question to the right person and you shall get the answer.
2. Borrow a ring from her
Borrowing a ring that your partner already owns can help you get a ring of the right size for her. However, there are a few things you need to be careful about while using this trick. First, your excuse for borrowing her ring should be convincing enough, or else she might get a whiff of what you are up to. Second, remember to get a ring that she wears on the same finger which you would want her to wear the ring that you gift her. If she is not wearing a ring on that finger, borrowing a ring that she wears on a similarly sized finger would also work.
3. Draw it out on a paper
If you are not sure about borrowing her ring as you fear you might lose it, then here is a simpler method you could try. Look for that moment when she takes off her ring and doesn’t use it for some time. Even if it’s for a few minutes, your work will be done. Take the ring and put it in a clean, white piece of paper. Now, draw a circle on its inside and outside. Do this a couple of times to ensure that the traces of the ring are prominently visible and are good enough to give you a proper idea about the size of the ring. You can show this image to the jeweler and get a new ring done for her.
4. Check the jewelry box
If she is not wearing a ring on her finger that you can ask her to take off, then you can have a look at her jewelry box while she is away and pick out a few rings. If you want a specific ring, say the one she wears on her index finger, then get that one and take a measurement of it.
5. Compare rings
This is one of the more difficult methods when it comes to determining your partner’s ring size but if the other tricks don’t work out for you, you would want to try this one out. When you hold your partner’s hand, try to find out if one of the fingers on her hand has the same size as a finger on your hand. For instance, their pinky might just be of the same size as your ring finger. This is far from being an accurate method but has worked for many.
Do rings have sizes on them?
Rings do have sizes on them. The size of a standard ring is measured in terms of millimeters. The inner circumference of the ring is taken into account to determine the size of the ring. As is the case with clothing material, a standard scale is used for the purpose of measuring ring sizes.
If a particular jeweler measures the size of a finger on a woman to be 7, another jeweler will state the same. The measurement wouldn’t differ from jeweler to jeweler. Having said that, when you buy two pairs of jeans manufactured by different brands but of the same size, there is a chance that one of them might not fit your body. The same holds for rings too.
What is the average ring size for a woman?
For most women, the average ring size is between size 5 and size 7. Height plays an important role in determining an average woman’s ring size. Most people know that the height of an average woman in the United States is 5-feet 4-inches tall. If she is shorter in height or slightly on the heavier side, it means you should move up a size or two. If she happens to have a slimmer frame or is taller, then you could go a size down or two.

What finger does a promise ring go on?
A promise ring stands for the love and longevity of a relationship. When a couple wears a promise ring, it shows that they are truly committed to each other and are serious about staying together till their last breath.
There is a long-standing history behind the existence of these promise rings. Between 13th and 16th centuries, men presented their lover or wives with posy rings that symbolized their love for their partners. The word posy was derived from the French word poesie which means ‘poem’ or ‘poetry’. Romantic phrases could be found inscribed on these rings. The tradition of giving promise rings to each other when in love has continued till date.
Your personal preference is the only thing matters while wearing a promise ring on one of the fingers on your hand. If you wish, you could ask your partner’s suggestion on the same. Some of the options that you would have at your disposal are stated below. (Recommended article: “How much should you spend on an engagement ring 2021?“)
1. Left hand’s ring finger
As stated earlier, a promise ring signifies commitment and trust. Promise rings are mostly exchanged after the official engagement ceremony takes place. Many couples like the idea of wearing a promise ring on the ‘ring finger’ of the left hand which is often referred to as the wedding ring finger. After engagement rings are exchanged, the promise ring is supposed to be worn on another finger.
One must keep in mind the fact that the size of every finger is different. The ring finger on the left hand might be of a different size than the right hand’s ring finger. If you are buying a very expensive ring, you might want to ask the jeweler if it would be possible to alter its size in case you wish to wear it on a different finger in the future.
2. Right hand’s ring finger
You could also contemplate wearing the promise ring on the right hand. This would also be a good idea in case you have plans to wear the engagement ring on the left hand’s ring finger. Taking up this option is a good way to avoid answering awkward questions that people might pose about you being engaged to your partner or not.
3. Other alternatives
Apart from the aforementioned ways, there are several other ways in which you can wear a promise ring. You can wear it on other fingers, as a bracelet charm or as a pendant around your neck. Some couples want a bigger representation of their relationship and commitment than a ring. Such couples prefer investing in other jewelry items that are more prominently visible than a ring.
How should a ring fit?
Over a certain period, our fingers tend to change in size. It is quite a common sight for an individual to see the ring on their finger snug during summer. During winter, the same ring could move or spin across your finger.
Our fingers shrink in cooler temperatures and swelling happens when the weather is too hot. However, the weather is not the only thing that causes fingers to swell or shrink. Inflammation could be caused by consuming a lot of water or food containing a high amount of salt. Losing or gaining a significant amount of weight is another important factor. The size of fingers might also change marginally during pregnancy.
The type of your fingers plays an important role in determining how well the ring will fit them. For instance, if you have long and slender fingers, you could use a wide band featuring a large Centerstone that will help in balancing the length and ensuring that it fits well on your finger. If you have short fingers, you could increase the length with the help of a narrow band. Using a long stone shape will contribute towards creating a balance on the finger.
How do I know if a ring is too small?
If the ring that you are wearing makes you feel uncomfortable, then the most obvious reason behind that is it’s too small for you. Figuring out that you need to wear a ring that is a little larger isn’t too difficult. (Recommended article: “Does Wedding Ring Have to Match Engagement Ring?“)
Here are some of the most prominent signs that indicate that the ring you are wearing is too small for you.
1. Does not turn
If you are wearing a ring that doesn’t move around your finger, then it obviously means that it is too tight on your finger. An ideal ring should spin around the finger after putting in just a little effort. It should move easily in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions without any difficulty. If that’s not the case, you need to get a bigger ring.
2. Cannot be removed
If you can’t remove your ring from your finger despite making a lot of effort, it means that the ring is too small for that finger. This is something that can be extremely frustrating. If the ring is too tight or small, you won’t be able to move it in an upward direction. Don’t panic when this happens. There are ways to remove rings that are too tight. However, this experience should make you understand that this ring is too small for your finger.
3. Muffin top
Muffin top refers to the extra skin or fat content that almost bulges out of the skin. Wearing a ring that is too tight or small could cause swelling or lead to enlargement of a small area around the skin of your fingers. This is not healthy and is an absolute indicator of the fact that the ring you are wearing is too small.
Does resizing a ring damage it?
People resize their ring mostly when they wish to wear it on another finger. Resizing a ring is not exactly a bad idea but sometimes, things can go wrong. There are occasions when a jeweler resizes a ring successfully but fails to solder it back again in the correct way. Because of this, there remains a high possibility of the joint breaking up in the future. There are some simple ways in which you can determine whether your ring has become weaker after being resized.
Observe the area on the ring where the re-joining process took place. If you notice a depression around the surface, it means that the ring was not soldered properly. Had it been done correctly, the area would have looked flat and polished.
If the band appears to be thinner around that area and you happen to spot a dented line, it means that soldering will wither away soon enough. However, if the surface appears to be even, you shouldn’t encounter much of a problem in the future. The point is that if you come across a nicked line, you must ask the jeweler to strengthen it properly.
Is it better to size a ring up or down?
A lot of people opt for resizing their ring when they feel it needs to be of a better fit. They also do it when they feel the need to wear the ring on another finger. Whatever the reason be, it is possible to resize a ring. If you are confused about whether you should size a ring up or down, then you could show the ring to a jeweler and ask him which one would be a better option.
1. Sizing up
To make a ring larger, a jeweler has a few options at his disposal. He can either add additional metal to the ring or stretch the metal with which the ring has been made. When you try to enlarge a ring by stretching it, the ring slightly becomes larger. Not many jewelers recommend this method as it can end up weakening the ring. Mostly, jewelers size up a ring by heating the band and then, cutting it up. After that, they add additional metal to build a bridge. The final process involves soldering the ring back together.
2. Sizing down
While sizing down a ring, the jeweler heats the band and then cuts a small piece out of it. After that, he solders the two different ends together in a way that they form a circle. Once this is done, the jeweler cleans and polishes it. It would be wise to save the extra metal, also referred to as the ‘cutout’, as you can use it while resizing up the ring in the future. Making a ring smaller is a much easier process than enlarging it.
How much will it cost to get my ring resized?
It is not possible to chalk out a price list that would give you an idea about the costs involved in resizing a ring. That’s because there are a variety of factors associated with it. A simple resizing process can cost as little as $20 and a more complex process would require you to spend several hundred dollars. What you could do is visit a jeweler you trust and ask him to share an estimated cost for the resizing job you want to get done.
Here are some of the most important factors that influence the costs involved in resizing a ring.
1. Type of metal
Certain types of metals tend to be far more expensive than commonly available metals in the market. Many of the metals that are used in the resizing process tend to be expensive. Some of these precious metals include yellow gold, white gold, sterling silver and platinum.
2. Modifying the length
Cutting down the length of your ring proves to be lesser expensive than enlarging it. The reason behind this is that when you increase the length of the ring, extra metal has to be added to it. That will cost you more money.
3. Amount of metal
The thickness of the ring plays an important role in determining the cost involved in resizing it. Rings that are very thick in size require more material to be added to them. On the other hand, thinner rings don’t require as much material to be used. Rings which have flat bottoms, referred to as euro-shanks, cost more money to resize as their corner need more metal.
What if I buy the wrong size engagement ring?
If you wanted to surprise her with a nice and expensive engagement ring but both of you were disappointed when it didn’t fit as expected, you don’t have to worry. There is no need to panic as there are a couple of ways to resolve this problem.
The first thing that you can do is visit the store or the jeweler and ask him if it would be possible to exchange it. If he agrees, nothing like it. If he doesn’t, you have another option at your end. You can ask the jeweler to resize it. Yes, resizing the ring will cost you some money but that would be better than being left with an expensive ring that your fiancée can never wear.
Do Comfort Fit rings run big or small?
Comfort Fit is half-size smaller than a standard fit. Comfort Fit is a relatively new form of sizing system. It is a kind of fitting that is vaulted in the interior, the area where the ring comes in contact with the finger.
The diameter around the middle of the ring tends to be smaller than the diameter at the corners of the ring. This kind of fit is usually used in rings that prove to be difficult to resize, like titanium, ceramic, cobalt chrome and tungsten. That is the reason why tungsten rings often come with lifetime replacement programs.
There are many advantages associated with this sizing system. One, the ring moves over the knuckle quite smoothly. Two, the ring tends to create less friction primarily because it covers less surface area with regard to the skin.
A good way to finding your Comfort Fit is to find your Standard Fit size first with the help of a local jeweler. Once you get an idea of your Standard Fit size, you have to simply order a ring that is a half-size smaller. So, if your local jeweler tells you that your Standard Fit size is 8.0, you need to order a Comfort Fit of size 7.5. However, it must be kept in mind that it is not a hard rule but a general recommendation. You can also determine Comfort Fit size with the help of a ring sizer.

Related Questions
How can I enlarge my ring at home?
While traditional wisdom says a ring must be resized by a professional jeweler, there are a couple of indigenous methods that can help you enlarge your ring while being at home. A common method involves lubricating the ring with the help of soap. After that, you need to put it onto a ring mandrel. Just make sure that the ring is evenly covered with soap before you slide the ring inside the mandrel. A ring mandrel is a sort of a metal cone that is extensively used in the process of resizing rings.
Can you tell the ring size by height and weight?
A rough estimation can be derived about the size of the ring after determining its height and weight. But if you want to get an accurate idea about the size of a ring, it would be better to buy a ring sizer or any of the other ring measurement tools which are readily available in the market.
Is your ring size the same as your shoe size?
Your ring size is not the same as your shoe size :-). Many women have large feet but slender fingers and a small body frame. Such women have a small ring size despite having large feet. Similarly, there are women who have small feet but a large ring size. So, shoe size has nothing to do with a person’s ring size. The only thing common between ring sizes and shoe sizes is that both differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Is a size 8 ring big for a woman?
Size 7 is considered to be the average ring size for women. However, there are many for whom a smaller or a larger size would fit better. For a lot of women, size 8 could be the perfect size.
How can I find out my ring size online?
There are many online sites that guide you towards determining your ring size. There are websites that enable you to get a printout of a 3-inches long bar. Using that bar, you can determine your ring size. There is another method that is even more simple. You can download images of circles of different sizes.
There are websites that offer a large number of images of differently-sized circles on the same page. You can find out your ring size by placing your ring on the different circles and see if it matches any of those.
Here you can download pdf with this bar: zales.com
Is there an app to measure your ring size?
There are different apps that would help measure your ring size. Most of these apps are compatible with different operating software and can be downloaded easily. One of the most popular apps that can help you find out your ring size is ‘Right Size’.
Does 1/4 ring size make a difference?
Yes, 1/4 of size can end up making a huge difference. Your fingers keep changing ring size by 1/2 size. This process takes place throughout the year. Your hand and fingers get accustomed to the ring over time. However, 1/4 ring size makes quite a bit of a difference.
Should a ring spin on your finger?
Should spin but not too much. After putting in a marginal amount of effort, your ring should spin on your finger. If that doesn’t happen, it means your ring is too tight or small for you. On the other hand, if your ring moves too much or slips out when you don’t want it to, it indicates that it is too loose or large for you.
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