Walking down the aisle is one of the most important things that happen during a wedding. Everyone discusses who will be beside the bride when she walks down the aisle. Seldom does one talk about who will walk the groom down the aisle. So, who walks the groom down the aisle?
Mostly, the groom’s parents walk him down the aisle. Religious affiliations and traditional values which the couple has grown up on also play an important role in determining who accompanies the groom down the aisle.

Christian Wedding
If it is a Christian wedding, you have a few options at your disposal. Let’s have a look at the most commonly followed tradition first. The grandparents of both the bride and the groom will take a seat first. After that, the groom’s parents and the mother of the bride will be seated. The officiant is supposed to lead the groom along with the groomsmen and the best man to the altar.
Instead of going down the aisle, they could walk around from the side. If the bridesmaids and the groomsmen walk together, the officiant will accompany the groom from the side. After that, the groomsmen will lead the bridesmaids towards the aisle. If you want to know who is leading the mother of the bride down the aisle I recommend you this article: “Who Walks the Mother of the Bride Down the Aisle?“
Hindu Wedding
Perhaps, there is no other wedding that celebrates the occasion of two individuals getting married better than a Hindu wedding. An elaborate guest list is made, loud music is played and the celebrations go on for days at a stretch. On the day of the wedding, the groom makes an almost hero-like entry on an elaborately decorated horse. A “baaraat” accompanies him.
A “baaraat” is a procession of people comprising of guests, largely from the groom’s side of the family. The groom is the center of attention here and everybody looks forward to his arrival. Once the groom arrives along with the “baaraat”, the bride’s family welcomes them with garlands of flowers and delicious sweets. After that, the parents of the bride hold the groom’s arms and lead him to the “mandap”, the area around which the wedding ceremony is about to take place.
Jewish Wedding
A Jewish wedding comprises many traditions and rituals that make the ceremony beautiful and memorable. At the same time, they are quite short. A regular Jewish wedding ceremony lasts for 25-45 minutes. Also, these weddings are known to be quite flexible in nature, giving families to throw in some of their own ideas and make things a little more interesting. A lot of planning is required to execute a Jewish wedding and that adds to the excitement.
For the wedding ceremony, women are required to wear a costume that covers their shoulders and men are supposed to be dressed in Yarmulkas or Kippahs that cover their heads. If it is an orthodox wedding, then men and women will be asked to be seated on either side of the ceremony. There are also ultra-orthodox weddings wherein women and men will partake in the celebrations separately and there will be a partition between them.
When a traditional Jewish ceremony is being organized, the officiant gets the opportunity to be the first person to walk down the aisle. The officiant is followed by the groom who is accompanied by both his parents. Once they reach closer to the chuppah, the groom is supposed to wait outside of it and wait for his bride to walk down the aisle. The groom’s parents will be seated in the traditional area under the chuppah.
Muslim Wedding
The most important ritual at a Muslim or an Islamic wedding happens to be the signing of the Nikah. Nikah is referred to the marriage contract that is supposed to be signed or agreed to by the bride and the groom. A lot of Muslim families prefer to not organize a procession during the wedding. There are many who prefer a simple affair. Also, different Muslim families adhere to different cultural values and sensibilities. During a “nikaah”, the groom can be accompanied by his parents. The wedding ceremony is usually followed by a “baaraat”, similar to the kind seen in Hindu weddings.
Secular or Non-Denominational Wedding
In case you are not opting for a religious ceremony, you get a variety of options to choose from. The groom could take up the option of walking down the aisle with his mother and then, getting her a seat in the front row closer to the aisle. The seat next to it could be reserved for the groom’s father.
Now that the parents are seated close to the aisle, the groom can hug them before walking towards the aisle and taking part in the proceedings of the wedding ceremony. Another option involves the groom’s parents walking down the aisle in unison and letting the groom lead them. If the groom and the groomsmen have plans of greeting the guests when they arrive, they have the option of occupying their seats at the altar before the ceremony begins.
Since it is a secular wedding and devoid of any religious connotations, you can share ideas and create a tradition of your own. These days, a lot of modern couples walk down the aisle together to signify the fact that they are about to commence a new journey together. It is also symbolic of the fact that they are together and will stay so through thick and thin. (Recommended article: “Who Walks the Maid of Honor Down the Aisle?“)
Related Questions:
How does the groom enter the ceremony?
Traditionally, a groom is supposed to walk down the aisle on his own or without anybody giving him company. However, there have been (and continue to be) many weddings where the groom has been accompanied by his parents. Some grooms prefer making an entrance into the ceremony from a corner or side of the venue. After that, they take their place at their altar.
Does the best man walk in with the groom?
If we follow the conventions set by traditional marriages, the best man should be walking down the aisle solo. He must follow the groom to the aisle but shouldn’t walk along with him. During the ceremony, he is expected to stand next to the groom, preferably on the right-hand side. He could also choose to hold the rings that the bride and the groom will exchange during the ceremony.
Do the best man and maid of honor walk together?
Yes, the best man and maid of honor could choose to walk together. However, this is not a rule that one should follow at a wedding. The bride and the groom, in consultation with the best man and the maid of honor, could work out an arrangement that they believe would work best for them. Just like good old traditional weddings, the best man could accompany the groom to the aisle and then wait for the bride to arrive with her maid of honor. Or, as mentioned earlier, the bride and the groom could walk down the aisle and then, the best man and maid of honor could walk together and join them there.
Do grooms walk down the aisle to music?
Yes, playing music when the groom walks down the aisle is not a new trend. If you find video tapes of your grandparents’ wedding, watch those and you will realize it was quite a common practice during those days too. Back then, families and friends would pick one or a couple of traditional processional songs to be played during the groom’s walk towards the aisle.
In the present times, people who adhere to a traditional mindset believe in playing a traditional or religious song during this moment. Then, there are also people who hire a DJ or a group of musicians to play some music when the groom starts walking down the aisle.
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